10 Best TV Villains Of The 2000s

7. Marlo Stanfield – The Wire

lucy lawless spartacus

Throughout the Wire, Marlo showed time and time again that he was one of the most ruthless, and rotten gangsters around. There were many points Marlo presented his evil side during the series, but in no moment was he more ruthless than when he stole a lollipop from a convenience store and had the shop’s guard executed for, half-apologetically, telling Marlo that such rule-breaking behaviour was unacceptable.

The reason for the man’s execution was having the audacity to expect to do his job without criminals and others trying to enrich themselves by destroying him for it. If there was ever a more nonsensical reason to kill someone, we haven’t heard it.


I like to think of myself as a world traveler and social butterfly, although I do spend a lot of my time watching the latest Japanese anime series, sitcoms, movies, and drama series. I live on the island of Crete, where I was born, and enjoy walking on the beach with my little cocker spaniel, Molly, when I'm not writing for WhatCulture.com and UNILAD.co.uk.