10 Best Vampire Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

3. Trouble Every Day (2001)

Trouble Every Day
Rézo Films

An underseen masterwork of the macabre from one of our greatest living directors, Claire Denis, Trouble Every Day follows a honeymooning couple (Vincent Gallo and Tricia Vessey) who are violently thrown into a blood-soaked mystery in France.

Harrowing and shocking, its propulsive story shifting from eroticism to violence and mysterious to horribly revealing often without warning, Trouble Every Day is uncanny and sinister, tracking its central characters as they encounter fresh fixations, death, cannibalism, and, of course, bloodthirsty vampires hiding plenty of secrets.

This being a Denis film, there's less of a plot here than there is a general command of mood, which is exactly what makes its central couple's descent into murder and lost humanity so downright breathtaking to watch. You'll want to look away, right until its hideous finale, but you'll be obliged to see things through.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.