10 Best Wilderness Horror Movies

5. Motel Hell

Eliza Dushku Wrong Turn

Okay, enough of the likes of The Hills Have Eyes leaving a post-Vietnam audience wondering who the real monsters are.

1980's underrated horror comedy Motel Hell reimagines the wilderness horror as a goofy, campy spectacle which offers a harsh and hilariously unsparing satire of middle America's middle class. The film remains wildly underrated as a charming, macabre horror comedy remix of the The Texas Chain Saw Massacre decades after its release, and it's a must watch for fans of the subgenre.

Here the villains are the cheery proprietors of the titular establishment, a couple who turn the unfortunate guests into awarded artisan sausages. But where the likes of Leatherface and co. were driven to cannibalism by extreme poverty and have seen their once-dignified lives torn apart by industry rendering their work irrelevant, here the villains are perfectly well-off and have set up this cannibalistic business for the sake of money making enterprise.

Brimming with sharp, dark wit, this one is a stellar satire of amoral entrepreneurs as well as a stellar wilderness horror.

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Wrong Turn
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