10 Best X-Men Movies Fight Scenes

8. The X-Men Stop Nuclear War - First Class

Wolverine VS Lady Deathstrike
20th Century Fox

The X-Men’s first battle as a team couldn’t have come with higher stakes... Averting nuclear war.

On a mission to stop Sebastian Shaw’s plan to cause a nuclear catastrophe, The X-Men begin this scene in a terrific action scene that shows the speed, power and agility of the Blackbird. Our first time really seeing this as an audience.

The fight then transfers over to the beach as Xavier’s team face off against Shaw’s Hellfire Club. Like in all X-men battles, the highlight of the sequence is the diversity in all of the characters abilities. Banshee takes to the sky with his sonic scream while Beast confronts Azazel in a teleporting fistfight. A fistfight that spans the beach and the military ships.

With Professor X on the ground leading the team, Magneto makes his way to Shaw, only to find himself very nearly beaten by Shaw’s raw strength. With a quick diversion from Magneto, Professor X manages to get inside the head of Shaw.

This final confrontation between the three leads brings the action to a satisfying and tragic resolution.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.