10 Best X-Men Movies Fight Scenes

5. Wolverine Fights Lady Deathstrike - X-Men 2

Wolverine VS Lady Deathstrike

After a lacklustre showdown with Sabertooth in X-Men, it seemed that Wolverine needed a new foe to throwdown with. Enter Lady Deathstrike. A female Weapon X subject with similar regenerative abilities as Logan, Lady Deathstrike was the muscle for William Stryker.

Upon entering the Weapon X facility, Wolverine engages in a fight with Deathstrike only to discover she has similar deadly adamantium claws as him. This makes for an exciting bout between the two as Wolverine uses his brawn and strength, whereas Deathstrike uses her speed and agility.

The two battle around the old Weapon X Lab, with Deathstrike seemingly gaining the upper hand. With a last-minute burst of energy, Wolverine manages to inject Deathstrike with boiling adamantium, managing to kill her despite her healing factor.

This fight managed to show how vulnerable Logan is when he meets someone who is his equal, while maintaining the classic Wolverine action that we all know and love.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.