10 Big Mistakes That Forced Sony To Give Up On The Amazing Spider-Man

3. Trying To Build Their Own Cinematic Universe

You can see why they'd be scared, though. Whilst they and Fox had been presiding over the superhero blockbusters with their Spider-Man and X-Men series, respectively, out of nowhere there came an unexpected challenge to their throne. In fact, nobody could've predicted that a few years after Iron Man, Marvel would be a major player. Not only a major player, but basically calling all the shots. The Marvel Studios films have done so well and amassed such a huge following that other productions are falling over themselves to catch up, mainly by trying to copy the formula Marvel nailed. DC are doing it right now, Fox are apparently bringing the X-Men and Fantastic Four together. And, for a moment, it looked like Sony was going to build its own Shared Cinematic Universe. Except, whilst Marvel had all of the Avengers to play with and spin off into solo films, Sony have Spider-Man. And his enemies. They even considered giving Aunt May her own film. None of this would've worked. Would anyone wanna see a Sinister Six film with no Spider-Man?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/