10 Big Mistakes That Forced Sony To Give Up On The Amazing Spider-Man

2. Never Being Happy

Like Icarus, Sony ultimately flew to close to the sun. Actually, that's not quite accurate - Icarus was overcome with hubris and arrogance, not greed. Sony are more like the character in every film/book/kids cartoon who joins an undersea expedition and finds themselves sinking to their death because of the amount of treasure they've nicked, unwilling to give it up, even if it means dying. Sony actually had a pretty good thing going with the Spider-Man films. Even when the third film didn't connect with fans, it wasn't making bad money - less than the previous two, but still recouping its budget (and then some). The Amazing Spider-Man movies always did better at the box office than it did in reviews and, really, isn't that all that matters? Not to audiences, obviously, but to studios. The artistic quality of huge blockbusters matters less than how much it makes. Hence why Transformers 5 is in the works. Sony wanted more though: they wanted the mega-success and audience of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And in chasing that, they forgot how to make good Spider-Man films.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/