10 Biggest Behind-The-Scenes Fights From The Making Of Famous Movies

2. Bette Davis Vs. Joan Crawford (What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?)

Bette Davis and Joan Crawford absolutely despised each other while they were filming the classic thriller What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? But what makes this feud so interesting is that they'd hated each other for literally decades prior to making the movie together. So, in terms of casting, it was an interesting decision to bring them both on board. But since the two characters were supposed to be bitter rivals, the director likely wanted to breathe some legitimate, acrimonious air into the production. And oh boy did that work well. Things started to get petulant almost immediately, when Davis replaced all of the Pepsi products on set with Coke products, which was a not-so-subtle stab at the fact that Crawford was married to the chairman of Pepsi-Cola. From there, it became an unending battle between the two stars, escalating into physical violence on several occasions. While filming the primary fight scene, for instance, Davis actually kicked Crawford right in the face, giving her costar a serious cut that required stitches. Crawford got her vengeance later on in a scene that required her body to be dragged several feet Davis. To up the difficulty level, Crawford had her dress lined with lead weights, and Davis threw her back out. There are two quotes from Bette Davis that best exemplify the working conditions and animosity between them on the set of that movie: 1) "That bitch hated working with me on Jane...and vice versa," and 2) "The best time I ever had with Joan Crawford is when I pushed her down the stairs."

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.