10 Biggest Behind-The-Scenes Fights From The Making Of Famous Movies

5. Gene Hackman Vs. Wes Anderson (The Royal Tenenbaums)

If the many, many reports of the various cast and crew members who worked with Gene Hackman in his later films are to be believed, the legendary actor is a tough cookie to work with. He was, in no uncertain terms, a grumpy old dickbag. On the set of The Royal Tenenbaums, a movie Hackman did not actually want to star in, several of the actors have admitted to being scared of the curmudgeon. In fact, for a 10th Anniversary Q&A for the film (which Hackman was, unsurprisingly, not present for), the cast basically took turns sandbagging him, relating stories about how volatile he'd gotten by the end of the production. The common thread in all of their stories is that he basically wanted to murder director Wes Anderson with his words. Angelica Huston said she "was concerned with protecting Wes," while Bill Murray took to referring to Hackman as a "c*cksucker." Speaking of Murray, tensions had apparently risen to such levels at one point that Anderson requested Murray's presence on the set even when he wasn't scheduled to be in front of the camera. Evidently, Uncle Bill was the only one truly unafraid of the cantankerous Hackman, so his mere presence behind the camera seemed to make things easier for everyone involved.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.