10 Biggest Box Office Flops Of All Time

1. John Carter (2012)

jupiter ascending

When Disney invested around $450 million to produce and promote this monster film based on the cult series John Carter of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs, they surely were hoping to capitalize on the rising trend of adapting popular comic book series to create a franchise. However, the lofty budget produced lofty box office goals to make a profit on this niche space adventure.

It grossed a comparatively minuscule $73 million domestically, and though it performed much better overseas with a total worldwide gross of about $284 million, it wasn't enough to make up the difference and was such a failure that it ultimately led to the resignation of the then-head of Walt Disney Studios, Rich Ross.

Total loss: $166 million

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Holland Baker is based in New York City, where she is an editor, writer and co-host of Whatever It Takes: A Degrassi Podcast. In her free time, you can find her searching for bodega cats, eating mass amounts of pizza and using humor as a defense mechanism.