10 Biggest Casting Mistakes In MCU History

8. Corey Stoll (Ant Man)

Heimdall Thor

Corey Stoll is another example of a skilled actor being thrown into the juggernaut that is the MCU machine. With his work on House of Cards earning him richly deserved praise as the complex Peter Russo, you'd have expected Stoll to have been able to cross over into the smaller world of Ant Man and the morally corrupt shoes of the Yellow Jacket himself, Darren Cross, with ease.

What should have been pitch perfect casting turned into a hammy stab at a pantomime villain and Stoll quickly became the one defining flaw of an otherwise epic big-little story about Marvel's tiniest hero.

It's hard to point the finger solely at the actor as this would prove to be his first leading role in a movie of this scale, so an element of playing it safe was to be expected.

The blame must fall on Marvel's shoulders then as - if an actor with more cinematic experience had taken on the role - their curse of underwhelming villains could've been lifted earlier than in 2018's Black Panther.

Corey Stoll prolonged that unfortunate trend and you can bet that Marvel hoped he could've bucked the trend.

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