10 Biggest Flaws Of The 10 Highest-Grossing Movies Of 2014

8. The "Love Conquers All" Cop-Out - Interstellar

Box Office Gross: $621,800,000 Undoubtably, the most irksome thing about Christopher Nolan's latest flick, sci-fi epic Interstellar, stemmed from its inability to stick to what it was originally intended to be: a blockbuster movie set in space grounded in as much real "science" as possible. After all, Nolan - off his own back - took the time to hire physicist Kip Thorn, and spent the lead-up to the movie's release talking up the film's scientific accuracy. Watching the movie, then, it was weird to discover that Nolan didn't exactly carry through with his promise: though there was certainly heaps of science to savour, the writer/director also decided that Interstellar should feature a vague, out-of-place plot point that pretty much denotes that - brace yourself - "love" is the most dominant force in the universe. It's an admirable twist, but it feels wrong for Interstellar.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.