10 Biggest Lies Actors Told To Get Movie Roles

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger Tricked Sylvester Stallone Into Doing An Awful Movie

Sin City

This final entry is a bit different from the rest of the list, since it's about an actor lying to help someone else get a part. But it's so good that we just had to include it anyway.

Back in the '80s and '90s, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone were at the peak of their careers, and both were vying for the crown of Hollywood's top action man. This rivalry caused each of them to do whatever they could to look better than the other, and a prime example of this is the time when Arnie lied about being interested in a terrible movie, so he could lure Sly into doing it instead.

The Stallone-led Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot is complete garbage, and Arnie knew it from the second he read the script. So, instead of agreeing to do it, he leaked out that he was interested in the project, hoping to trick Sly into "stealing" the movie from his rival. And, hilariously, Sly took the bait (via /Film):

“I read the script. It was so bad. You know, I’ve also done some movies that went right in the toilet, right? That were bad. But this was really bad. So I went in – this was during our war – I said to myself, I’m going to leak out that I have tremendous interest. I know the way it works in Hollywood. I would then ask for a lot of money. So then they’d say, ‘Let’s go give it to Sly. Maybe we can get him for cheaper.’ So they told Sly, ‘Schwarzenegger’s interested. Here’s the press clippings. He’s talked about that. If you want to grab that one away from him, that is available.’ And he went for it! He totally went for it. A week later, I heard about it, ‘Sly is signing now to do this movie.’ And I said, [pumps fist] ‘Yes!'”

Think you're good at trolling? You've got nothing on Arnie.


Know of any other porkies actors told to get movie roles? Let us know in the comments below!

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