10 Biggest Lies Comic Book Movie Fans Tell Themselves

6. The Movies Give You Comic Knowledge

Captain America Gives Up
Marvel Comics

Pretending that the movies give you equal knowledge as reading up on the comic's they're based on is like saying you're a good Christian because you've seen The Passion of the Christ.

It's just not the case, and believing that is the worst kind of lie: a lie to the self. If you truly care about the characters you're shelling out £12 to sit down in a cinema to, enough to take to the internet to debate why he'd win in a fight against Superman, why wouldn't you shell out the same price for the latest graphic novel at the very least?

You don't have to be a purist to keep up to date on the main lines of Spider-Man, Batman, Captain America etc, especially if you're the kind of fan that's going to enter into debates with purists. Save yourself the embarrassment and get down to your nearest Forbidden Planet. And God help you if you get that Christian Bale Batman tattoo without knowing the venue for the first Bane vs. Batman battle in comic book history (hint: Bruce Wayne lives there).

Come up against a purist, you'll get torn a new Bat-hole.

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Iron Man
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.