10 Biggest Lies Comic Book Movie Fans Tell Themselves

5. "That Movie WAS Great"

jared leto suicide squad
Warner Bros.

We're all guilty of going into our favourite hero's latest film with a bias that stops us from seeing the truth: the movie wasn't great. There's no film that encapsulates this point greater than Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Sure, this movie had some truly great moments (Bats, for example, has never been caught fighting quite as well as THAT scene - there's no need to go further into which scene) but let's all be honest, the film itself was a little bit... guano.

There's nothing wrong with admitting that either. Just because the movie sucked, doesn't mean the characters, with their rich histories and their mantles as modern mythological heroes, are any less than they were before we sat down in the cinema.

So next time your favourite characters are made a mockery of in a movie that just bloody sucks, don't lie to yourself and go online defending it; pick up a comic book and remind yourself why they're your favourite hero in the first place.

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Iron Man
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.