10 Biggest Losers In The Star Wars Universe

9. Greedo

Had Greedo The Younger survived the events of Star Wars (still not calling it A New Hope, nope), it€™s still highly unlikely he€™d have come close to his notorious father€™s successes as a bounty hunter. Inexperienced, arrogant and more than a little thick, Greedo also liked the sound of his own voice just a little too much. Accepting crimelord Jabba The Hutt€™s contract on smuggler Han Solo, he would find him twice, each time being rebuffed. The third time, he caught Solo on the hop at a cantina in Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine, whereupon the smarter man engaged him in conversation, stalling while he eased out his blaster under the table. While Greedo was still eagerly babbling on, Solo shot and killed him. Witnesses at the scene gave confused and confusing accounts of the incident when called upon to testify at the inquest. Some asserted that Greedo had in fact shot first, but that either he missed or that Solo had dodged (despite the point blank range making both possibilities unlikely); either way, the smuggler had acted in self-defence. Some insist that Solo was the only one to fire a shot, displaying the ruthless streak that had characterised many of his business dealings.
The hapless Greedo was unavailable for comment: but many years later Solo himself would be cornered in a watering hole in the Reddit slums of Coruscant. Upon being asked who shot first, he simply responded, €œI don€™t know, and I don€™t care.€

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.