10 Biggest Losers In The Star Wars Universe

7. Jabba The Hutt

Boba Fett€™s car crash death scene leads us to the Hutt himself. Now, Han Solo owed Jabba money because he€™d dumped an illicit cargo he€™d been carrying for the Hutt cartel to avoid getting boarded by the Empire. Let€™s not forget: all of the Han Solo romanticism has him labelled as a space pirate, the coolest kind of pirate. The truth was that Solo was a smuggler, a man paid by criminals to transport stolen and illegal goods over borders without the attention of the law or of customs and excise officials, and he owed Jabba the cost of the lost cargo. After having had Solo pursued for years, Jabba finally has him captured when Boba Fett cannily makes a deal with the Empire to pool their resources. Solo is delivered to him frozen in carbonite, and the Hutt hangs him on the wall of his throne room as an example to anyone else who might try to screw with him.
Like many other authority figures in the franchise, his overconfidence is Jabba€™s weakness. Apparently Fett had forgotten to mention to him that Solo€™s running buddies were the notorious freedom fighters who vaporised the Death Star a few years earlier. When the only Jedi in the galaxy turned up and asked for his mate back, Jabba could have cut a deal that would have saved his life and shored up his reputation as a canny businessman. Playing to the crowd, the arrogant Hutt tried to feed them to his pets instead, and paid the price. "Strangled by a princess in a metal bikini" doesn€™t look good on anyone€™s tombstone.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.