10 Biggest Losers In The Star Wars Universe

6. Han Solo

The criminal element in the Star Wars franchise aren€™t the sharpest tools in the box. While, again, the Star Wars expanded universe gives fans multiple reasons as to why Solo couldn€™t just pay Jabba back and have the contract on him rescinded, the movies see Solo highly compensated for helping the Alliance destroy the Death Star€ and then completely fail to use that money to pay back his debt. He€™s been hanging around working with the Alliance ever since the Battle Of Yavin. Fair enough, he has new friends and a thing for the princess, but the movies€™ continuity establishes the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back as taking place three years after the end of Star Wars (which is what we€™re still calling it, so nyah). Three years with the means to take the death mark off his head, and Solo is more interested in playing footsie with royalty. No wonder Jabba is so narked at him. If he€™d sorted things out with the Hutt cartel first, Boba Fett would have had no reason to take him in payment for services rendered, and he€™d have still been at Bespin€™s Cloud City and been freed with the others when Calrissian Landoed on the Empire to turn rebel.
Being agonisingly frozen in carbonite, spending a year as a conversation piece in Jabba€™s front room while his friends waste all that time trying to find and free him€ all that would have been avoided if the Millennium Falcon€™s next stop after Yavin had been Tatooine.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.