10 Biggest Losers In The Star Wars Universe

5. Yoda

Yoda, a smart cookie if ever there was one, doesn€™t trust the young Anakin Skywalker at first, and vetoes training him as a Jedi. It€™s instinct, backed up by Force-based premonition€ and at eight hundred and sixty-odd years old, you€™d think he€™d have learned to trust those by now. Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi€™s mentor, is determined that Yoda is wrong, and that he will train Anakin himself. When he dies, he entrusts this task to Obi-Wan, who takes it on out of love for his fallen master, and effectively sways the Jedi Council€™s vote on the matter through relaying Jinn€™s wishes. Yoda€™s capitulation on the subject is a major error. It€™s difficult to know what might have happened to Anakin without Jedi training and direct access to Palpatine€™s manipulations, but the best guess available says it wouldn€™t have resulted in Darth Vader. Who knows how Palpatine€™s plans might have proceeded without Skywalker on his team? Would there even have been an Empire to rebel against?
Of course, if Yoda had refused Qui-Gon€™s dying request, Anakin wouldn€™t have reunited with Padmé Amidala and Luke and Leia would never have been born. Tangled web, this €˜what if€™ stuff. Still! Stick to your guns, you elliptical little muppet€ and when everything goes pear-shaped, don€™t shuffle off to hide in a swamp and go senile.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.