10 Biggest Missed Opportunities In MCU History

1. Killing Quicksilver Too Early

Captain America Civil War
Marvel Studios

When Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) was introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron alongside his sister Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), it was widely expected that the sibling duo would be sticking around for the long haul as major MCU fixtures.

While that was evidently the case with Scarlet Witch/Wanda, Quicksilver/Pietro shockingly didn't even make it to the end of his debut movie.

Writer-director Joss Whedon pulled a shocking misdirect by duping audiences into believing that Hawkeye's demise was on the cards, only to have Quicksilver dash in and shield him from a hail of bullets fired by an Ultron-hijacked Quinjet.

It was certainly a left-field subversion of expectations, though many fans ultimately felt that it was a massive waste to kill off an intriguing character so speedily.

Furthermore, had audiences been given longer to get to know the Maximoff twins before killing one of them, it might've had greater emotional impact and informed Wanda's character in a more persuasive and deeply felt way.

While one suspects that Whedon knew a speedster character would probably be too over-powered to keep around for an extended period, it was nevertheless a crushing disappointment that Pietro died after such a scant amount of screen time.

Killing him off in Civil War probably would've made more sense, giving viewers more time to get invested in the siblings' relationship and also giving the Civil War itself a more meaningful, irreversible sense of loss.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.