10 Biggest Missed Opportunities In MCU History

2. Nobody Dies In Civil War

Captain America Civil War
Marvel Studios

Ahead of Captain America: Civil War's release, the question on everybody's lips was - who will live and who will die?

It seemed like a given that one of Marvel's most iconic comic book conflicts would incur at least a few notable character deaths, to cement the gravity of the battle and establish palpable stakes.

Yet Kevin Feige pulled a hugely unexpected switcheroo by having not a single character die during the Civil War conflict itself.

The only character to have any significant injuries, even, is Rhodey (Don Cheadle), who gets shot out of the sky by Vision (Paul Bettany) and is paralysed as a result.

But even this is largely resolved by film's end, as Rhodey receives exoskeletal leg braces and the injury is basically forgotten about by the time Infinity War rolls around.

Having not even a single Avenger perish felt like a massive sanitisation of the Civil War concept, where the heroes were largely pulling their punches against one another, undermining the apparently sharp divide between Team Cap and Team Iron Man.

You can argue that having one Avenger kill another would permanently taint the aggressor in the eyes of the audience, but making a war movie where nobody dies just doesn't make much sense.

According to the Russos themselves, the film was always less about a body count and creating a schism between the Avengers ahead of Infinity War. Even so, somebody should've died. Speaking of which...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.