10 Biggest Mistakes Terminator Genisys Has Already Made

3. Jai Courtney

The Terminator has Michael Biehn, Judgement Day had Edward Furlong, Rise Of The Machines had Nick Stahl, Salvation had Sam Worthington; it's almost a tradition for Terminator movies to star an actor everyone expects to be big who winds up having their career tank. And because it's stealing every element it can from the previous movies, Genisys is aping this as well. Seriously, why the f**k is Jai Courtney in this film? In fact, let's rephrase that - why the f**k is Jai Courtney in movies, full stop? He has that unenviable distinction of both having never been in a good movie and having never turned in a good performance, yet still keeps getting work. He just stands there looking tough and boring as he makes career decisions based off what would have worked in the '90s; a Die Hard sequel, an Oscar-baity prestige picture, the new Terminator - none of these strike as the moves of someone who's in tune with modern movies. Kyle Reese is a man who travels back in time out of an almost creepy obsession, yet still comes across as a genuine, grounded human being. Can Courtney really deliver that? Highly unlikely. He doesn't even look like Reese - he's a generic Hollywood lug-head, a world away from the everyman portrayed by Biehn, Anton Yelchin and Jonathan Jackson. Most depressing of all, even if Genisys bombs, this isn't the last you'll see of Courtney - he's set to play Captain Boomerang (stop snickering) in Suicide Squad.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.