10 Biggest Movie Controversies Of 2018

7. "Hot" People Can't Have Low Self-Esteem - I Feel Pretty

I Feel Pretty Emily Ratajkowski

On paper, it seemed like Amy Schumer's new movie had a body-positive message about confidence and self-esteem being a hugely important part of what makes a person attractive and appealing.

Sadly the message backfired somewhat when you dig a little deeper into the movie. For starters, Schumer isn't unattractive in the first place and the film strains to sell her "ugliness", but things get truly cringe-worthy when we're introduced to Renee's (Schumer) pal Mallory.

Now, Mallory is played by Emily Ratajkowski, a model who most people would surely agree is an incredibly beautiful woman. But when Mallory speaks to Renee about her self-esteem issues, Renee's response? "I want to punch you in your dumb face."

This isn't even really played as some ill-advised gag that Renee will later learn from: it's just thrown out there so everyone can laugh at the hot lady for being down on herself. Because beautiful people can't have self-doubt and confidence issues, right?

For a film that apparently wants to prop women up, it felt like a contradictory, regressive message that understandably rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.