10 Biggest Movie Douchebags

6. Mayor Vaughn (Jaws)

If you have seen Jaws (which, let€™s be honest, you totally have), you will know that the villain is obviously the giant-ass shark. However, there is a douche that some might say is an accomplice in the shark's plan to chew up a bunch of swimmers and a dog. This douche being the Mayor Larry Vaughn (Murray Hamilton), and my reasons for this are quite blunt; he let people die. The first girl who died was not his fault, but he totally ignored the fact that she was eaten by a shark. I mean, we all saw her body covered in those crabs, but no, he wanted the beaches open. So, the beaches stay open; it€™s a lovely sunny day and everyone is swimming and chatting and having a really nice time, up until we see an eruption of bloody water as Alex Kintner is swallowed by the shark. Now, if by some messed up chance you haven€™t seen Jaws and I am basically explaining the story to you, then surely you must be thinking €˜€™Christ, there€™s no way they will leave those beaches open any longer, not after two people got eaten€™€™, well, you're wrong, because that€™s exactly what the douchebag of a Mayor did. Oh wait, no, sorry, he shut them for 24 hours, my bad, because you know an overnighter should surely get rid of the shark. Anyway, the beaches stay open for the 4th of July and low and behold, another person is eaten. Christ who could have seen that one coming? But anyway, after this Larry finally realises he was being a tool and allows Brody, Hooper and Quint to go kill the shark, so I suppose he realised he was wrong and wanted to fix it, but he still let three people die. Mayor of Douchetown.
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