10 Biggest Movie Douchebags

5. Carter Burke (Aliens)

If you haven€™t seen Aliens, I suggest you watch it; it is the sequel to Alien and to be quite frank, it€™s much better, mainly because it has Bill Paxton in it, but I am being biased there as I love The Paxton. Anyway, our #5 douchebag of the top ten goes to Carter Burke (Paul Reiser). Burke is the cold cat who convinces Ripley to go along with him and a team of mercenaries to the planet LV-426 to basically investigate why they haven€™t been answering the phone. As you can expect, all hell breaks loose and a couple of people die, so the majority of people are in favour of blowing up the planet and in doing so killing the aliens, however Burke, thinking about the dollar, is against it. Not only this, he wants to bring one of the Xenomorphs back to earth, again thinking about nothing but the moolah. He decides to pull a tricky move by releasing one of the face-huggers into the room where Ripley and Newt are sleeping. First of all, look past the fact that that is essentially manslaughter, and still, you don€™t mess with someone€™s sleep, especially after they just fought an alien. Finally, when the aliens raid their hideout, Burke is the first one out the door, shutting it behind him and leaving everyone to die. The joke's on him, though,because he gets eaten; he deserved it for being such a colossal douchebag.
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