10 Biggest Movie Douchebags

4. Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

Now in my opinion, Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton) is more evil than Lord Voldermort, but it still doesn€™t make her a villain, just a douche. In fact, scratch that, a mega-douche. Where do I even start with Dolores? She was just a horrible individual; I personally cannot watch The Order of the Phoenix purely because she infuriates me. Many a time I have had to restrain myself from ripping my eyes out when I see her face. She is the definition of a douchebag; I mean, first, she tries to get Harry Potter expelled, then she goes round cutting kids' hands, she bans kissing and shuts down Harry€™s club when all he was trying to do was teach people how to defend themselves. To be honest, I would have loved it if those centaur horse people shot her with an arrow and she died; it would have been a much better ending.
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