10 Biggest Movie Myths About The Apocalypse

#4 - The Cockroach

Will the world be overrun by cockroaches with the Big Boom? They certainly have several evolutionary advantages - such as the ability to quickly mutate and adapt with their fast breeding cycle including resistances to poison, the ability to survive without food for over a month, and even survive underwater for up to 30 minutes.

Surprisingly, one study showed that cockroaches are communal and team-oriented. They congregate together to share resources and labor. Even more importantly, roaches can withstand radiation levels up to x15 more potent than a human. Yet they're not even the most potent insect when it comes to shrugging off atomic mojo. There is a type of wasp that can sustain more than 150 times the dose of a human. And by undying wasp I of course mean any of the hoes from€Real Housewives. Yet the big challenge to the wasp, the cockroach, and their insect cousins is not so much radiation or food. Afterall, the streets will be littered with a buffet of human carcasses. What'd I say? No, their real challenge would be the cold.€Insects are unable to produce heat metabolically. And most of their survival techniques involve skirting around freezing weather - migration, freeze tolerance (waiting for the sun), or freeze avoidance (habitat & supercooling). That means that whatever insects do manage to survive will likely live as closely knit parasites on human culture, requiring the heat humans also need to survive. Without us, surprisingly, the insect outlook is grim. And for us, they provide a renewable source of protein. Again, what did I say? What?
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Robert Curtis is a columnist, podcaster, screenwriter, and WhatCulture.com MMA editor. He's an American abroad in Australia, living vicariously through his PlayStation 3. He's too old to be cool, but too young to be wise.