10 Biggest Movie Myths About The Apocalypse

#3 - Sports Equipment

Huge explosion. Packs of wasteland survivors form into gangs. And these gangs equip themselves with ... sports equipment? As seen above from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior€(1981), our Aussie, mohawk villain is wearing a black set of gridiron pads and, apparently, in immaculate condition. Where did he get them? Or the other 50 guys in the caravan of muscle car henchmen?

Of course, he added extra pieces of flare here and there, because what says€cannibalistic€rapist more than a coif of bird feathers. Or the accessorized wrist crossbow? Divine. The likelihood that the outlaws, bandits, and soccer hooligans will adorn themselves in scavenged sporting equipment is wildly unlikely. After all, how many .50 caliber rounds do you think a pair of shoulder pads could stop? And while we're on the subject - how about the guy wearing the hockey mask? Not just a hockey mask but one fabricated from steel. €Can you imagine the Humongous' ire when his lackeys come back with the Jason Vorhoos replica: "Dammnit. I wanted the Brodeur mask! Now no one is going to take me seriously." Why the mask at all? To cover his disfigurement or radiation burns? Did he look at the motley assortment of butt uglies forming his crew? Just be yourself and they will love you no matter what you look like. If that doesn't work, chain them behind your battle wagon and drag them for a few miles.
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Robert Curtis is a columnist, podcaster, screenwriter, and WhatCulture.com MMA editor. He's an American abroad in Australia, living vicariously through his PlayStation 3. He's too old to be cool, but too young to be wise.