10 Biggest Movie And TV News This Week (March 1)

6. Karl Urban Says Dredd 2 Could Still Happen

karl-urban-as-judge-dredd-in-dredd-2012 2012's Dredd was a surprising hit with audiences, though it didn't make quite enough money to give the studio confidence in greenlighting a sequel. Ever since its release, star Karl Urban has been asked about the future of the potential franchise, and he's always said he'd be willing to return to the titular role if given the chance. Last we heard, the film would be getting a sequel in the form of a comic book continuation, but now he's given fans hope that we may just see his helmet-clad Judge in another feature film after all. At a Destination Star Trek event in Frankfurt, Germany (that was covered by our very own Amarpal Biring), Urban explained that "conversations" were taking place, and that Lionsgate has taken notice of the film's cult-status and rising DVD sales. This of course doesn't mean that a sequel will definitely happen, but at least Lionsgate is considering it and that Urban is still excited and on board.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com