10 Biggest Mysteries That Upcoming Movies Must Solve

5. X-Men: Dark Phoenix - What's Up With The Timeline?

Soul Stone

The more the X-Men movie saga deals in time travel and soft reboots, the more its timeline becomes an unholy mess, and it's about time something was done about it.

X-Men: Apocalypse director Bryan Singer claims the latest movies are about time's "immutability". How you can bend it and block it all you like, only for it to eventually reach itself inevitable destination, like a river.

So does this mean mutantkind is destined to become extinct at the hands of the Sentinals after all, or will it endure only to meet its demise in the cataclysmic event that sets up Logan?

Logan Wolverine Xmen Comic

X-Men: Dark Phoenix should take the opportunity to clarify to the series' timeline, explain what's been erased, what hasn't, and how it all fits together chronologically.

This will be no easy feat for director Simon Kinsberg, but the mutant saga will soon paint itself into a corner unless it takes action to dispel the timeline headache. Fans without a degree in quantum physics want to enjoy these movies too.


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