10 Biggest Parts Of The Marvel Movie Formula (That Will Destroy The Series)

7. All-Out Humour

Humour has become such an integral part of the Marvel formula that, in a bid to show they are definitely not Marvel, D.C. have recently announced their upcoming movies will be devoid of jokes. Seriously. The thing is, while not taking all this Gods and robots chat not totally seriously is a good idea, devolving into all-out comedy may not always be the best approach. It can stop the action escalation from setting in too much (we call your attention back to Guardians Of The Galaxy and its twelve billion lives in the balance), but creates an overall style that makes the individual movies indistinct. Iron Man 3 was a laugh a minute ride, which is fair enough when Shane Black's behind the camera, but why did Tony Stark become a comic-relief character? He certainly wasn't in the first two films, his wit adding to, but not dominating, the tone. Same with Thor: The Dark World, which despite boasting Game Of Thrones' Alan Taylor as director really didn't offer anything gritty. Why? The answer is simple; The Avengers. Humour was necessary for Joss Whedon's take on the super-teams origins and there it was perfectly executed. That doesn't mean every film since needs to strive for the same number of laughs. It's notable the the best sequel of Phase 2 (Captain America: The Winter Soldier) is the one that shunned this element of the formula.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.