10 Biggest Similarities Between Guardians Of The Galaxy And Star Wars

3. The Milano And Millennium Falcon

Nothing makes for a great sci-fi series like a trusty companion spacecraft: a vessel that embodies one of the characters and feels like a living breathing entity in the minds of the audience. When the going gets tough, sometimes all it takes is a trusty spaceship to get out our heroes of danger. Needing no introduction is the Millennium Falcon, the ship that has it where it counts and has gotten Han Solo and company out of more than a few jams. With the release of the next chapter in the Star Wars franchise slated for December 2015, fans are anxious not only to see the return of the original cast but the re-emergence of the beloved Millennium Falcon. In Guardians Of The Galaxy, fans were introduced to a new beauty known as the Milano, the faithful ship to Peter Quill and his crew as they take on Ronan and his Kree faction. Although it's still too early to tell how strong of an attraction audiences will have to the Milano, the table has been set for this ship to be equally as recognizable as the Millennium Falcon with young audiences. Keep an eye out for both of these ships to get our favorite heroes out of trouble for years to come.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw