10 Biggest Similarities Between Guardians Of The Galaxy And Star Wars

4. Presumed Knowledge Of The Universe

From the very beginning, the Star Wars franchise operated under the assumption that audiences were already well aware of what is going on in the galaxy. Only with Guardians Of The Galaxy has that approach been utilised in the MCU - fans are finally forced to immerse themselves into a world where very little is brought to their attention and explained. In every Marvel film prior to Guardians, the audience was given the luxury of an origin story introduction to the respective world. What made the Star Wars franchise so enjoyable was the lived in environment presented to the viewer. From the first scene of the original film fans are forced to jump right into the galactic conflict between the Empire and Rebel Alliance that has been festering for years. There's no explanation other than the Empire is searching for the stolen plans to their secret weapon. Guardians Of The Galaxy uses a very similar model but with a Raiders Of The Lost Ark type of feel. Like Star Wars, Guardians Of The Galaxy doesn't take a lot of time to explain what's going on or who some the characters are. When done correctly, it's a better way for fans to completely immerse themselves into what's going on with the story.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw