10 Bill Murray Movies You Should Throw Out The Window

6. Garfield

It's ironic that while the animated version of Garfield employed Lorenzo Music, the voice actor who played Peter Venkman in The Real Ghostbusters franchise, the big screen adaptation of Jim Davis' strip managed to land Bill Murray as the consternation-inducing cat. The production's human contingent, trying to get screen time alongside the cute CGI critters, was Breckin Meyer and Jennifer Love Hewitt as an implausibly fetching vet. A big challenge in bringing two-dimensional comic strips into reality is realizing them in three dimenions. On paper Garfield looked sly, cool, in control. In this film he's freakish, bug-eyed and cartoon-like, a problem which faced the makers of Scooby Doo. He's so unrealistic they may as well have stuck to pen and ink. The reason Murray signed up in 2004 is a classic case of misunderstanding. Surprisingly the immense talent doesn't have an agent, accepting all his work through private communication. When he spotted the name "Joel Cohen" on the Garfield screenplay he thought he'd be working with the Coen Brothers. It's amazing what a simple 'h' can do to a career in LA.

I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.