10 Bizarre Movie Sequels You Didn't Know Existed

7. Another Midnight Run (1994)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HIajSoRo2I Even the title to this one sounds exhausted: "Oh, jeez, another freakin' Midnight Run?" Another Midnight Run takes everything that was good about the original, that being Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin and the script and the fun and the great action sequences, and casts them out like the scum they are. And who else but Christopher McDonald might step in to take the role of can't-catch-a-break bounty hunter Jack Walsh? What emerges from the flames of creation, then, is a middling straight-to-video mess directed by a man who has never made a good movie. Some people said this was doomed to fail from the very beginning... and those people would have been exactly right, should they have ever cared to even talk about this movie in the first place.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.