10 Bizarre Movie Sequels You Didn't Know Existed

5. A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia (1990)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFAzzEYmnm4 After? After Arabia? Oh, marketing team, you clever devils. Yes, back at a time before Ralph Fiennes became renowed for playing creepy bad guys (and eventually the creepiest bad guy of them all, Lord Voldemort), he was scraping for roles in ill-advised sequels to classic movies, one of which happens to be a sequel to Lawrence of Arabia. Presumably created to cash in on the re-release of the original a year previously, it's generally looked upon as an "unofficial" sequel of sorts, though we're all well aware that's just another way of saying "please don't sue me." The best way to watch this one is in the dark with the lights off, and preferably with the TV off too, and you asleep.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.