10 Blockbuster Leading Men So Boring They Almost Put Us To Sleep

5. Robert Pattinson

Boring Blockbusters: Twilight (2008), New Moon (2009), Eclipse (2010), Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011), Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012) The Twilight Saga may have a huge fanbase that propelled the franchise to a frankly ridiculous $3.3bn in box office receipts, but the three central protagonists are quite possibly the most perpetually boring trio in the history of blockbuster cinema. However, as much as some people loath the franchise, there is every chance that Robert Pattinson hates it more than anyone. This would surely go some way to explaining why Pattinson plays the character of Edward Cullen as a virtually-expressionless borderline stalker that spends a lot of time giving intense stares to a girl almost 100 years his junior, and which despite their well-publicized romance, Pattinson and Kristen Stewart generate zero chemistry on-screen. If it seems as though the actor isn't interested, it's probably because he's not. Pattinson has stated that he began to hate the character after reading the script, and went as far as to say that if he wasn't a part of the franchise he would 'mindlessly hate it', which at least goes a way to explaining his crushingly dull performances in the franchise. Now embarking on the next phase of his career, Pattinson has proven himself as a decent actor in projects outside of Twilight and has since worked with auteurs David Cronenberg and Werner Herzog.

I don't do social media, so like or follow me in person but please maintain a safe distance or the authorities will be notified. Don't snap me though, I'll probably break. I was once labelled a misogynist on this very site in a twenty paragraph-long rant for daring to speak ill of the Twilight franchise. I stand by what I said, it's crap.