10 Blockbuster Movies Way Too Desperate For A Sequel

2. Divergent

The young adult fiction adaptation looked like it was coming of age in recent years. After Twilight became the laughing stock of the blockbuster part, The Hunger Games lent a legitimacy to the whole thing, letting contrived teen romance take a backseat. So it's a real shame that all that progress has been undone in a derivative package. If Hunger Games was Twilight with more sci-fi and less staring, Divergent is Hunger Games with a different name. Post-apocalyptic future? Segregated communities? Some contrived way for teens to hang out together in an action setting? A heroine played by an up-and-coming star? All present and correct. The one thing missing is the sense of the film having an actual story. Whereas The Hunger Games had a self-contained plot that hinted at larger events, Divergent is out-and-out televisual cinema. Everything is building towards something bigger, making the first film just the pilot episode of an ongoing series, with everything left hanging. Did it work? The teen audience lapped it up. The Divergent Series: Insurgent (yes, they're actually calling it that) will be in cinemas next year.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.