10 Blockbuster Rip-Off Films That Are Actually Worth Watching

8. 2019: After The Fall Of New York (1983)

Media Blasters
Media Blasters
Conflict between the Pan-American Alliance (good guys) and the Eurac Monarchy (bad guys) has reduced the earth to a €œgarbage-strewn radioactive desert€ and rendered the population sterile, but as luck would have it, the world€™s last fertile woman has been located in Manhattan, and it€™s up to a laconic loner to find her and save humanity. Yes, it€™s Mad Max meets Escape From New York, and with its one-eyed cyborgs, claw-handed former schoolteachers and man-ape hybrids, 2019 throws in all kinds of colourful characters for the sake of an entertaining show. Originality may not be the picture€™s strongest suit, but it makes up for it by being pure no-think escapism. The crummy logic, bad dubbing and 80s fashions mean the cheese factor is in the stratosphere, but that€™s all part of the fun, and for a no-budget knock-off, it really delivers.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'