10 Blockbuster Rip-Off Films That Are Actually Worth Watching

7. Abby (1974)

American International Pictures
American International Pictures
If you€™re going to rip off The Exorcist, this is the way to do it: by turning it into a Blaxploitation movie where the climactic exorcism takes place in a discotheque. From the dialogue (€œWhatever possessed you to do a thing like that?€), through the heroine€™s hilariously unconvincing transformation into a potty-mouthed demon in pancake make-up, to a scene where she violently checks herself out of hospital (€œI€™m going home, bitch!€), there€™s enough here to make you wonder if the filmmakers were sending themselves up. Best of all is the sequence where the possessed Abby, who€™s also a marriage guidance counsellor, informs a couple that their problems stem not from an inability to share their feelings but from their lousy sex life. She tells the wife: €œI€™m gonna take your husband upstairs and f**k the s**t out of him!€
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'