10 Blockbuster Rip-Off Films That Are Actually Worth Watching

3. Jurassic City (2015)

Vertical Entertainment
Vertical Entertainment
In amongst all the usual rip-offs, knock-offs and jerk-offs that greeted the release of Jurassic World was a movie that, despite its obvious lack of budget, just wanted to give the audience a good time. Owing more to John Carpenter than Steven Spielberg, Jurassic City is basically Assault On Precinct 13 with sexy sorority girls, sinister scientists and rampaging raptors. You see, there€™s a bunch of hotties who find themselves behind bars just as a consignment of dinosaurs is rerouted to the jail (don€™t ask), and faster than you can say €œunbelievable plot contrivance€, the girls end up being pursued through the corridors by flesh-eating dinos. So if you like chicks with guns and don€™t mind SyFy Channel-level effects, you need to own this movie. What seals the deal is the cast, which includes Ray Wise (Twin Peaks), Kevin Gage (Heat) and Vernon Wells (Mad Max 2), though female leads Dana Melanie and Kayla Carlyle also do well with otherwise thankless roles. The movie ends on a cliffhanger, so hopefully director Sean Cain is planning on bringing the survivors back when the Jurassic World sequel comes out.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'