10 Blockbuster Stars We Don't Give Enough Credit As Actors

5. Matt Damon

This entry on the list might be cheating just the tiniest bit. It isn't as though Matt Damon doesn't get credit for the work that he does, it's just that people genuinely seem to forget that he's so good at so many different things. This is a guy who won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay at the ripe young age of 28 (and was nominated for an acting award for the same film), and has turned in a number of stellar performances over the years. Invictus nabbed him another Oscar nomination, and he's been recognized recently for his work in Behind the Candelabra, a biopic about Liberace. The Talented Mr Ripley may have had some issues, but you can't fault Damon's chameleon-like ability to capture the main character. And go back and watch him in Courage Under Fire, where he lost an unhealthy amount of weight to develop the character of an ex-Army drug addict. In a way, it's almost a disservice when audiences just think of him as doing things like The Bourne Identity and Elysium. He floats in and out of so many different genres with ease, and really deserves to be thought of much more highly than he currently is amongst casual viewers.

Audrey Fox is an ex-film student, which means that she prefers to spend her days in the dark, watching movies and pondering the director's use of diegetic sound. She currently works as an entertainment writer, joyfully rambling about all things film and television related. Add her on Twitter at @audonamission and check out her film blog at 1001moviesandbeyond.com.