10 Blockbusters Due In 2015 You Probably Haven't Heard Of

7. Selfless (February 2015)

Director: Tarsem Singh Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Ben Kingsley, Natalie Martinez, Victor Garber & Matthew Goode Plot: A terminally ill billionaire buys a chance for eternal life through an experimental procedure called "shedding", which transfers his consciousness into the cadaver of a younger man. But the promise of immortality turns into a nightmare when he experiences flashbacks which begin to reveal the disturbing origins of the body he now inhabits. What To Expect: Inception meets The Cell Tarsem Singh's The Immortals may not have lived up to the hype of the trailer but it did have some astonishing visuals in it which bodes well for this unconventional sounding thriller. With a good cast and the promise of some mind-bending science fiction this could be a gripping and dark addition to 2015's roster of blockbusters. It may also provide Ryan Reynolds fans with something they don't see very often... a good film (hopefully).

Writer from Cardiff. Fan of all rebels, rogues and rascals.