10 Body Horror Movies That Broke All The Rules

1. Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Tokyo Gore Police
Kaijyu Theatres

Years before Tony Stark graced cinema screens, there was Tetsuo: The Iron Man, the singular 1989 cyberpunk brainchild of director Shinya Tsukamoto.

The film follows a man (Tomorowo Taguchi) who kills a metal fetishist (Tsukamoto) with his car, and in turn finds himself being progressively transformed into a man-metal hybrid.

The deeply offputting collision of man and machine is really what makes Tetsuo stand out from any other entry into the body horror genre, though Tsukamoto also mines a wealth of black humour from the situation, and can't help but blanket the horror in continually sexually suggestive imagery.

Between all this and its monochrome presentation, Tetsuo is a barmy outlier in the genre, offering up a riff on transhumanism that's far from the typicality of humans merging with androids or AI.

The bonkers ending, which surely shouldn't be spoiled, is worth the price of admission alone.

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