10 Body Horror Movies That Broke All The Rules

2. Spring

Tokyo Gore Police
Drafthouse Films

The film that put horror wunderkinds Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead on the map, Spring is a rarest of body horror films that also doubles as a red-blooded romance.

As in, the film is as much a love story as it is one about revolting mutations. Spring follows Evan (Lou Taylor Pucci), a young man who travels to Italy and immediately falls for a girl he meets there, Louise (Nadia Hilker).

The twist? Louise is in fact a 2,000-year-old mutant who intentionally gets herself pregnant every 20 years in order to replenish her cells and effectively continue to be immortal, though the process also causes her to mutate into other grotesque creatures in the interim.

However, if she falls in love her body produces oxytocin which inhibits her immortality, causing an added complication in their relationship.

It might sound silly on paper, but Benson and Moorhead's minimalist approach, and their decision to foreground character-driven romance over goopy effects ensures that Spring is truly like no other body horror movie out there.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.