10 Box Office Flops Much Better Than Their Reputations

9. Dredd

Dredd movie
Warner Bros.

Budget: $50 million

Worldwide Gross: $35.6 million

If the Internet was to be believed back in 2012 when Dredd was released, you were either going to love this movie or find it so revolting that you'd never watch anything else with Karl Urban in it ever again.

Critics tended toward the latter, while audiences decided to wait until it showed up on Netflix to bother checking out the retread of the Sylvester Stallone flick. A lot of them probably wished they'd gotten to the theatre, though, because Dredd was built to be enjoyed on a gigantic screen at full volume and, preferably, in 3D.

Dredd is Dirty Harry dressed up in futuristic clothing and devoid of any moral responsibilities. This is a man who upholds the law with whatever means necessary, and won't think twice about shooting a criminal in the back as they're running away from him. It's a grim, gritty cop movie that also relishes in creating beautifully-executed, extremely gratuitous death scenes that are somehow disturbing and exquisite all the same.

In that way, Dredd is a simple throwback to the ultra-violent action movies of the 80s like Predator and Invasion U.S.A. There doesn't have to be a preponderance of backstory or some deep, overarching message. There just has to be scene after scene of over-the-top action and ridiculous but satisfying violence. And Dredd has that in spades.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.