10 Box Office Flops That Threw Away Stupid Amounts Of Money

5. John Carter - $108.6 million

Walt Disney Pictures
Walt Disney Pictures

Budget: $250 million Box Office: $282.8 million

If you€™re going to throw a quarter of a billion dollars at someone to make a tentpole picture based on risky (read: no fan base) material you could do a lot worse than the director of two of the biggest animated films of all time. Unfortunately for Andrew Stanton, his brush with the live-action blockbuster led him to run back to Pixar with his tail between his legs to needlessly sequalise another of their classics.

John Carter (originally Of Mars, but that was dropped because audiences don€™t like Mars but love bland names) tells the story of a civil war soldier magically transported to the red planet, where he develops superpowers. If that sounds a little archaic it€™s because it is. Based off the Edgar Rice Burroughs novels from the early 20th Century, repurposed into a 2012 blockbuster makes the idea look derivative, but that's only due to the series€™ subsequent influence. Disney ignored that in their marketing, however, instead presenting it as an Avatar rip-off.

John Carter wanted to be the new Star Wars, but in doing so betrayed the indie ideology that allowed it (or the first one at least) to end up such a hit. So in the end Disney went €œf**k it€ and just bought Star Wars instead.

Did it deserve to flop? It€™s surprising Stanton churned out something so generic, putting extra stock in the €˜movie by committee€™ idea, but that doesn't defend the film. As a non-franchise (hundred-year-old books don€™t count) movie it€™s sad to see it turn out bad, but a film this messy doesn't deserve a profit.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.