10 Box Office Flops That Threw Away Stupid Amounts Of Money

4. R.I.P.D. - $114.8 million

Universal Pictures
Universal Pictures

Budget: $130 million Box Office: $78.3 million

What exactly made R.I.P.D. such a flop? It€™s a comedy-action-sci-fi film, which is a subtle theme of this list, but what made it burn so much more than its contemporaries? Just as its genre is one too many, the film was just too many X-meets-Y.

Ryan Reynolds as Ryan Reynolds-meets-Rooster Cogburn in Supernatural-meets-Men In Black story of everyday world-meets-its near destruction. Based on a comic book. The trailer showed a cool concept with no plot to back it up and it also did poorly with audiences (even some people liked Transformers) leading to awful word of mouth. It€™s too much for it to not fail.

The issue here is thinking a comic book, rather than beloved superhero, is a big box office draw. Taking a little known concept and Hollywood-ing it up isn€™t going to work because in a saturated market bringing a couple of fans with you doesn€™t hold water.

Did it deserve to flop? Jeff Bridges will always be fun, but it€™s so unimaginative it€™s not surprising audiences were turned off.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.