10 Brilliant Details You Completely Missed In Superhero Movies

9. Bruce Banner And Tony Stark Created Special Hulk Pants - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Among many other things, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for its willingness to pack as much easter egg goodness as possible into every one of its superhero films.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) was no different, as the second team-up for Earth's Mightiest Heroes saw hints at a Wakanda filled future and Andy Serkis' Ullysses Klaue losing a hand as an homage to Phase 2 being Kevin Feige's Empire Strikes Back (1980)...to name but a few.

However, one subtle detail which crept under most die-hard MCU fan's radars came during the scene which saw Tony Stark and Bruce Banner discussing whether or not they should attempt to use the mind stone's artificial intelligence to bring Ultron to life.

As Banner questions if Ultron is what the world needs, a pair of rather large trousers can briefly be spotted in the background of Stark's lab. This seems to suggest that Stark and Banner didn't just stop at Veronica (The Hulk Buster) when it came to their high-tech work together and the pair actually engineered some Hulk-proof trousers.

Though not every new detail introduced to The Hulk's character in Age of Ultron went down a treat (particularly the lullaby!), this small feature makes a ton of sense and likely helped save Banner from any more embarrassing torn trouser situations.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...