10 Brilliant Horror Movie Monsters You Were Completely Unprepared For

4. The Goblin Faeries, The Hallow

Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer
Entertainment One

Quick game of word association: Someone says "goblin" or "faerie", what's the first thing you think of?

If you answered anything other than "nightmares", odds are you haven't seen The Nun director Corin Hardy's underrated Irish indie horror The Hallow.

Following a couple who move into a remote rural farmhouse with their newborn baby, this atmospheric and poignant horror is mostly a small town mystery for much of its runtime, as its protagonists are warned about a mysterious threat to their offspring but can't seem to find any concrete answers about the nature of this said foreboding threat.

Then comes night time, and with its the movie's interpretation of traditional Irish "faeries".

Owing more to mythology than fairy tales, these fanged monsters… do not look like any faeries or goblins that childhood prepared the viewer for, and their terrifying fanged faces are more likely to call to mind the cave monsters of Neil Marshall's The Descent or Peter Jackson's orcs than Tinkerbell.

That is, for the viewers who aren't watching from between their fingers.

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